Elementary Program

Grades 1 to 6

Dr. Montessori observed that children between the ages six and twelve experience an explosive period of social and intellectual growth. The elementary program, she believed, should be responsive to the children’s intellectual energy and imagination during these critical learning years.

The Montessori elementary classrooms and materials provide students with the tools for self-directed learning under the guidance of their teachers. Self-discipline, self-motivation, and organizational skills are strengthened as students work at their own pace. In our classrooms, the focus is on the process of learning, rather than on a simple accumulation of facts; the student applies knowledge gained through critical thinking.

Modelled upon Dr. Montessori’s directives and perfectly suited to each elementary child’s needs, the GMS elementary Montessori program prepares and inspires its students to achieve academic excellence through a love of learning.

Elementary (Grades 1 to 6) Curriculum:

Elementary children (ages 6-12) follow the Montessori curriculum, which surpasses guidelines set by the Ontario Ministry of Education. The Montessori elementary curriculum includes language and literary arts, mathematics, geography, history, economics, science, technology, art, music, drama, physical education, computer skills and a comprehensive French program.

Elementary Specialist Programs:

The arts and physical education play important roles at GMS. Classes in physical education, fine arts, music theory, recorder, and theatrical studies are all taught by specialists.

Bilingual French Program:

At GMS, special emphasis is placed on French. Our aim is to generate enjoyment and ease in speaking and understanding the French language. Formal lessons, games and activities expand the children’s vocabulary.

At both the junior elementary (ages 6 to 9) and senior elementary (ages 9 to 12) levels, GMS’s extended French programming offers students daily French language instruction in small classes.

Students are also assisted in building their French language skills through individualized instruction during the work cycles. To create a bilingual atmosphere at GMS, specialist classes in (gym, art, theatre etc..) incorporate French. Additional opportunities for conversational French are offered during lunch, recess, French café and in the bilingual after-school enrichment classes.

At the senior elementary level, the French program is taken a step further, as students pursue cultural studies and extensive research projects in the French language.

“When interested, a child becomes self-motivated. Self-motivation leads to self-discipline. When self-disciplined, a child engages in a process of mastery and develops his or her potential.”

Dr. Maria Montessori